
Let’s meet at the corner of
Hilton and China,
let’s open our eyes to what’s
deeper than skin,
let’s open our hearts to a
love that’s integral,
no delusional fancy,
just what’s within.

Let’s wake from our dreams of
us-and-them conflict,
let’s see every citizen
dazzling and true,
let’s live in the beauty of
ultimate poverty
where no one is separate
and all are in you.


I learned the rules well by playing the game,
committing my flesh to both pleasure and shame,
entirely immersed in the actions of living,
fully committed to selflessly giving
in order to know myself one with the others
engaged in the contest – my beautiful brothers –
superseding procedures through participation,
avoiding the decoy of self-preservation,
knowing the oneness of comrades together,
bonds formed of loving through fair and foul weather,
absorbing the rules by wholly enacting them,
bending and breaking and aptly adapting them.


In the moment
each gesture corresponds
to the expansion of the universe,
the dance of solar flares,
the turning of the earth,
the diving of the manatee,
the whirling of rotifers,
the buzzing of electrons.
How deep does this go,
this rabbit hole of oneness,
this dreadful connectedness
to all that exists?
I pinch myself to determine
that I am indeed awake,
and drown in the screams
of a trillion creatures.